Sysmex West & Central Africa


The Sysmex DI-60 digital morphology analyser offers efficiency, quality and peace of mind. It is the only digital image analysis device on the market that is fully automated within the haematology workflow – connected directly to the track. This means turnaround times are quicker than with standard devices since you no longer have to transport the slides to the analyser by hand. You also have further walkaway time for more relevant tasks.

Standardisation, quality or biohazard issues are a thing of the past. It delivers a superb level of analysis quality and detail that you can count on since it is backed by Sysmex’s renowned service and support. Speed, quality, safety and efficiency in a single analyser. 

Technical Specifications
Technology Artificial Neural Network
Slide identification Barcode labelled slides
Storage capacity Up to 4000 slides per database
Supported Stains

Romanowsky stains

  1.     RAL MCDh stains
  2.     May Grünwald – Giemsa
  3.     Wright
  4.     Wright – Giemsa
WBC Pre-classification segmented and band neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, metamyelocytes, myelocytes, promyelocytes, blasts, variant lymphocytes, plasma cells
non-WBC: smudge, artefacts, giant platelets, platelet clumps, erythroblasts
RBC Pre-characterisation aniso-, micro- and macrocytosis, poly- and hypochromasia, poikilocytosis
Body Fluid segmented neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, macrophages (incl. monocytes), basophils, Other
Slide Scan Scanning of user definable areas of a slide
Options Sysmex Remote Review Software
Sysmex Body Fluid application
You have a question and would like to get in touch with our experts? We look forward to receiving your enquiry.

Sysmex West and Central Africa Ltd.

148A Marvel House, Giffard Road

Burma Camp – Trade Fair Road

East Cantonments, Accra Ghana

+233 3027 988 67


Product documents

Safety data sheets

Regulatory Documents

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